Wednesday 30 September 2009

Research on the band

This is the band Garbage who sings the song we have choosen to do our music video "silence is golden".

The band themselves have been around since 1995 and have released 5 albums over the last 14 years with there last album being released in 2007 titled "Absolute Garbage". The track we have choosen is from there album "Beautiful Garbage" which was released in 2001.


If I am silent then I am not real

If I speak up then no one will hear

If I wear a mask there's somewhere to hide

Silence is golden

I have been broken

Safe in my own skin

So nobody wins

If I raise my voice

Will someone get hurt?

And if I can't feel then I won't get touched

If no truths are spoken then no lies can hide

Silence is golden

I have been broken

Safe in my own skin

So nobody wins

Did you hear me speak

Do you understand

Did you hear my voice

Will you hold my hand

Do you understand me

Won't someone listen

Nobody gets in

My body's a temple

But nothing is simple

Silence is golden

I have been broken

Something was stolen

Safe in my own skin

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