Thursday 22 October 2009


In our group we had to have a talk about our original idea because there where alot of problems with location and time to get certain footage.Our first idea was going to start with a party scene and as the singing started our singer (Alphie) was going to start walking between the people of the party as if she was not there and for the chorus had that band in the middle of the space we were having the party in with the people around the again oblivious to the band and the singer. Also we were going to have point where evryone in the area dissapeared and left Alphie singing then which to members of the band etc. But because of some unfortunate events we could'nt do what we wanted with this iea so instead jsut trying to make the best of the idea we changed our idea from the whole band to just Alphie doing a solo perfromance. Our new idea starts with Alphie crounching bewteen some gutiars amps with a graffitied wall behind her, this is the location for more of the chorus. the verses are mostly done outdoors in different places which we thought reflected the meaning of the song with the idea of silences and loud rock music.

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